

Automatic Lidar and Ceilometer


This tutorial shows how to use the ALCF to process ceilometer observations, simulate lidar from model output and compare the two. As an example, we will use 24 hours of Lufft CHM 15k ceilometer observations at the Birdlings Flat site in Canterbury, New Zeland on 4 July 2016, and the corresponding Antarctic Mesoscale Prediction System (AMPS) numerical weather prediction (NWP) model and MERRA-2 renalaysis output. To start, download the dataset archive (4.3 GB).

Note: Normally, you would want to compare more than 24 hours of measurements, such as one month or one year. This tutorial uses 24 hours of data due to the large size of the datasets.

Processing with the ALCF can be done in two modes: automatic and manual. The automatic mode is easier and is convered in this tutorial. Both automatic and manual processing are equivalent, but manual processing gives you a better understanding of the processing steps and can be more useful if anything goes wrong during the processing. Please see the documentation on how to perform manual processing.


First, make sure that you have installed the ALCF following the installation instructions, and the you can run alcf in the terminal. Extract the archive alcf-tutorial-datasets.tar in your working directory:

cd alcf-tutorial-datasets


The contents of the dataset archive are:

The data files are stored in the NetCDF format and can be previewed with Panoply, HDFView, ncdump or ds.

Automatic processing


To process the observations use the following command:

mkdir -p processed # Create directory "processed".
alcf auto lidar chm15k raw/chm15k processed/chm15k

This command will resample the lidar data, remove noise, detect clouds, calculate statistics, and plot the lidar backscatter, backscatter histogram and cloud occurrence as a function of height. The output will be stored in processed/chm15k:

Figure 1 shows the Lufft CHM 15k plots. See the ALCF output for description of the NetCDF files.

If the input directory with lidar data files contains subdirectories, add the -r option at the end of the alcf auto command to process all subdirectorie recursively in alphabetical order.

Some lidars (Vaisala CL31, CL51) produce data files in a custom data format which has to be converted to NetCDF before using alcf auto or alcf lidar. Use the command alcf convert cl51 <input> <output> to convert the DAT files to NetCDF, where input is an input directory with DAT files and output is an output directory where the NetCDF files are to be written. The -r option can be used to process the input directory recursively.

Backscatter profileBackscatter profile
Cloud occurrenceCloud occurrence
Backscatter histogramBackscatter histogram
Figure 1 | Lufft CHM 15k plots.


To process MERRA-2 model data use the following command:

mkdir -p processed # Create directory "processed".
alcf auto model merra2 chm15k raw/merra2 processed/merra2 \
    point: { 172.686 -43.821 } time: { 2016-07-04T00:00 2016-07-05T00:00 }

The command will extract a “curtain” of data along the give point and time period, run the lidar simulator on the extracted data, simulating the Lufft CHM 15k instrument, and run the same processing steps as alcf auto lidar on the observational data above. The output will be stored in processed/merra2:

Figure 2 shows the MERRA-2 plots. See the ALCF output for description of the NetCDF files.

If the input directory with model data files contains subdirectories, add the -r option at the end of the alcf auto command to process all subdirectorie recursively in alphabetical order.

Some model (JRA-55) produce data files in a custom data format which has to be converted to NetCDF before using alcf auto or alcf model. Use the command alcf convert jra55 <input> <output> to convert the GRIB files to NetCDF, where input is an input directory with GRIB files and output is an output directory where the NetCDF files are to be written. The -r option can be used to process the input directory recursively.

Backscatter profileBackscatter profile
Cloud occurrenceCloud occurrence
Backscatter histogramBackscatter histogram
Figure 2 | MERRA-2 plots.


This tutorial introduced how to use the ALCF to process 24 hours of data collected by the Lufft CHM 15k ceilometer and the corresponding data from the MERRA-2 reanalysis. The ALCF supports more advanced options described in the documentation. For support please see the support page.